
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

licence to ramble

What AM I even thinking???

It's like chicken pox, cigarettes (a virgin puff anyway), Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City and anime (more about these later), ipod, AGE!!! (rats)... Sooner or later, you can't help but catch it.

Hark my arc of utter conversion proceedeth thus:
Stage 1: Initially cynical
Stage 2: Inwardly nonchalant
Stage 3: Intermittently curious
Stage 4: Increasingly edgy
Stage FIRE!! (no pun intended): Inevitably infected

:( I'm blogging. D'oh.

And I feel like a teen exposing my brain droppings or whatever forbid-me-knots. So arrest me.

Whog? (It's 'Why blog', lovey. I figured since we're into cyberlingo contractions, why not get in the mood of things eh??)

1. I'm a bummer. No job and LOTS of unpaid time.

2. I'm soooo BORED to my toes and chilly chin-chin.
3. I'm a laggard. Quite a proud one too.
4. I'm beginning to talk to myself. As people are talking to me.
5. I'm missing a punching bag.

Great. Now I feel like a sheared merino lounging on a leather couch (take that, dead cow) with Oprah. How udderly embarassing.

Time for some fun...

Merci beaucoup for the giving it a go, Ari.

And thanks to Zanissa too.

Ladies, it's all your fault.


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