
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

the beginning of the end: last ict day 11

Everything's been a Damn.

Weather's a Damn. Humid. Sticky. Scorching. Thick. Unbearable.

Which makes duty a Damn. Okay, the company so far's been pretty cool , the food's been nice but can't say the same for my location this year (and my farewell one some more). Not forgetting the damned assholes we encounter in the Base.

Not forgetting weekends being Damned. So I missed out on the Runway Cycling which would have been a mass orgy anyway but I won't be able to snap some otherwise sensitive and prohibited shots (nothing RA mind you) - damn.

At home, the monitor's a Damn. Over 10 years (I think) and suddenly shouting in black and yellow lines and dashing like a million manic ants. More hundred smackers to be damned for a new one.

Physique's a Damn. Drained and fatigued and restless.

Which makes sleeping a Damn - you're so tired you can't sleep.

Compounded by depleting source of that damned important M fluid.

Such a cheery Sunday morn.

I'm late for afternoon duty already.



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