
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

a million little pieces

Of course I'm not alluding to that pseudo-memoir by that liar of a writer.

(For starters, I don't think I can lie... that badly.)

More like so many blog berries in the cerebral compartment to pluck and develop yet just simply too tired and drained and beady eyed to do justice to each of them.

So tidbits will have to do till the flesh comes out of the brain freeze and gets back from the recuperating couch:

Finally, got that Jem album they been touting - intended puns galore here for the knowing music inclined...


Finally, met up with Mr Smith at the new JC premises - after 16 years! Such joy! Strange how the mind flirts with one's perspective but time flicks you back to earth, he seemed so tall back then. Mike calls him the Old Sailor - sturdy reliable and humble with a dash of mild Irish humour. Still is the same old benign paternal figure, with whiter and a lot less hair and looking very tired like Gandalf overstressed by hobbits. Sad to hear he's retiring to Oz for good come year end...


Finally, bought that chocolate Raoul. Worth every single slash mark in the bank account...


Finally, filed 2 months' worth of emails and correspondence piling like a waste dump on me workdesk. Well, almost but at least I can see the scratch marks on the work surface once more for now...


Finally, aborted 2 substantial and stress inducing projects which I've been losing sleep, energy and life years on in the past 2 months by order of the powers-that-be in less than 2 hours. And CNY is coming to an end tomorrow...


Finally, left the office at 7.30pm for the first time in 2 months...


Finally, everything's going to start all over again...


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