
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

on the day i'm on mc...

...my colleague sms'd me while I was watching Match Point and rearranging my DVD collection to tell me my boss tendered h** resignation.

[sudden outburst of hysterical and extended warlord laughter]

Mom looks at me with that quizzical frowning eyebrows look that seems to say, "Did I give birth to that thing??"

[pregnant-with-triplets kinda pause]

Ooo-k, sooo. Game over. Whatever.


I'm watching Cabaret on Thursday night.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

le retour (sort of...)

Sooo much has happened and taken place and been stressed out, stretched, jaded, pissed and delayed because of work and nothing but that I don't even want to start on it anymore. Suffice to say I'm just gearing to go. Drop everything and jump. No blink, no turning back.

So I went to Borders today.

Stress is the best defence and alibi for temporary retail insanity. Exorbitant soups, pricey lip balms, vintage coffee table books, rare DVDs, gelato scoop the price of 3-course dinner -- lemme have it.

And spent like a portion of next year's holiday money on books and CDs. Especially when they're having like their first major sale -- felt like a morning lark that gorged on a sack of chocolate coated corn seeds.

Been eyeing these gems for a while -- just LOOOOVE the composers and sountracks lah -- so it couldn't have been a better time to splurge.

I should be (feeling) so larky. Yeah guess I am.

For now...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

"I think that if I wanted to be married I would be married by now," she says. "And, for whatever reason, I haven't done it. I've picked people who've helped me to not make that happen."
- Sheryl Crow, in August issue of Vanity Fair
* * * * *
I can't help but relate this to some other things.
What struck me was it was so pithyful (NOT pitiful, mind you).
Succinct, off-guard, candid, with a tinge of bitterness and a dash of regret.
Dorothy Parker would have agreed with her to invite her to tea.