
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Friday, February 17, 2006

dream / voyager

I was walking home towards my old block when I sensed something wrong with the surroundings. Very plateau like and the air carried a clear and calm but dusty sort of effect like a Cartier Bresson picture. There was nothing behind left my block. Just the limp undergrowth flowing like angel hair in mild breeze. There were no more trees. Walking on nonchalantly, I squashed onto panicky slimey leech like worms scuttling on the ground. At the front of the entrance laid a dying killer whale, slumped on its side, head facing me, painfully wheezing its last and laboured high pitched breaths of life. Violent swamps of leeches were boring in the whale. I turned right and saw another whale propped nearby, wheezing like an asthmatic elephant. The leeches were scuttling up my feet and legs. I did not jumped but merely looked on with cat like curiosity. Then I looked back at the whales for a protracted time. I gazed at the gently blowing emptiness behind my old block. I turned and blinked...

FUCKING looniest dream I had since the beginning of the year, man...

Does it have to do with the bloody activation exercise that I, in my usual misfortunate pattern, had the good chance to get pulled into most reluctantly and where I, with a bunch of unfortunate bleary eyed souls, have to report back to the office by 0730hrs and can only check out by 2000hrs?

Think I'll be having a whale of a time...


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