
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

running backwards

Went back lass Saderday fur the dreeeaded IPPT which I've innercently furgotten or missed after gettin ultimayderm a la cort marshirl...

[read with a rich lazy Texas-Tennessee tongue]


Bumped into some old fogeys from me camp days so it wasn't such a boring bummer for me. At least I didn't have to make eye contact with blades of grass while trying to ignore every other smelly armpit stranger.

Thank goddess for Gue and Ping and some other tired familiar faces and of course Gue's shiny new car, my saviours. Can't wait to leave cos all I could think about was work and not enough sleep.

As usually the camp logistics was a total disaster and we started an hour and half late. Spent most times chatting and catching up - the usual dillydallying. Noticed everything has a hang dog doggone dog's life mien on their faces. Listless. Bored. Miffed. Life is sooo beautiful.

Then bumped into one of them youthful decent training branch sarges - the one smiley chatty and without pretense one.

Has it been that long, you mean you're gonna ORD already? Wah so fast ah. May 19th? 3 months of rest and straight to uni hor - good for you. Do we meet up often? You mean us guys? Not really anymore. Camp is about the only magnet that pulled us disparate souls together. Yeah we miss coming back actually and you will too - you agree eh! - but life moves on whether you want and like to or not. Yeah we'll remember what we had, such nonsense and laughter the bunch of us had together 10 years in the running. Gotta run, I mean go now. Cheers.

Hitched out of there after the sit-ups, dumped our tags, kissed our byes, strolled and chatted our long way out to the car and I looked over at the runway and the stretch of trees and the horizon and I realise I don't feel much about this place anymore.

Except for the ghosts of us left hovering in the air in those places that we've passed by looked at stood sat smoked ate peed listened grumbled spat talked breathed with a fulsome and tired but easy feeling that you felt you were in the moment that I can't describe with justice anymore.


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