
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

three days of limbo

Damn. Still gotta do follow up on my leave - and all cos of my big mouth and that b****.

Just so dreading the day when I gotta return to that muck pit. I'm really counting the days and the months now.

But what gives anyway? I get to eat a little better nowadays though some days I don't even see the time for a drop of water. Home dinners are a rare affair. Bookstores are a blur and when I really want a copy of that Hollywood issue Vanity Fair, they're sold out 2 bloody weeks ago.



Here's to sipping warm peach tea with a blood dripping murder tome and a clear blue sky by the beach for 3 days.

With the phone ringing and beeping with screams from the office, of course...


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