
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

while i was sleeping a to-do-by-today list sprang up...

make french toast
cook neapolitan spaghetti
go down to far east flora
start on a new novel
vacuum and spruce up my room
look for gene and wee's gift
purchase more dvds
watch some movies at home
read the daily papers
get my therapy sessions at borders and kino
plough through the classifieds
finish my backlog of a hundred magazines
take a walk in the park
claim my world cup winnings
chew some badly needed salad and fruit
buy a new book
grab a new cd
hunt for room furniture
make out a cheque for that charity group
compile more new songs for my zen
visit a men's boutique
get a haircut
punch some words for a new blog
hop down to the beach
chill by the pool
spend my shopping vouchers
concoct smecta for my rumbling stomach
have a foot reflexology session
sip a glass of wine
write down those few starting words
get something for mum
buy more world cup bettings
find another decent breezy quiet corner
steal one more hour of sleep

fucking curse being a libran
unbearable-lightness-of-urges day again
thy will not be done
bloody hell

will just settle for listening to Versus and
writing it all down

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Most people know that I always make it known I never want to learn to drive - I'm just plain not interested at all. And that I hardly ever go crazy over cars (blame it on a car-fanatic gene deficiency).


BUT. Ridiculously (no doubt), after seeing these pix of the Volkswagen STORAGE FACILITY in Wolfsburg, Germany, I might be persuaded otherwise...


And while there, do take a look at the Phaeton TRANSPARENT FACTORY in Dresden, Germany (I'm seeing Sauerkrautland and those former Hitler-heilers with new eyes).

It was the "Final Visual Inspection" that got me started...

Such an easy publicity-promo sucker, yeah I know...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

boozy briday

The moment La Diva Bitch stepped out of the office in the late afternoon for a good 2 weeks at some snowy subterranean shack downer than the Down Under, Vonster - colleague and co-crime partner - fished out the 2 bottles of Breezer we have been saving for a celebratory occasion and I quickly popped them into the company freezer and after they were chilled I took them back to my office cubicle and we drank to our health and her upgrade to a better position in another department and away from our present hellhole and later that night we went to Villa Bali for dinner with Drea - ex-colleague and co-crime partner - which was a long awaited affair cum get together session and it was soooo good to see her again at the same place we dined before leaving PSA forever where we had tauhu telur and naan and vegetable dip (soooo fucking expensive cos the idiot Vonster thinks cheese dip is fattening) and soya wraps with crab and seafood and we had such a time catching up and bitching down and trading company gossip and office revelations it was SUUUCH a wonderful and enjoyable relief and then the super potent Long Island Tea I ordered started effect and taking over Drea's sweet and knock-you-off-the-rocker- vodka Green Man washed down with another 2 bottles of Evian and a sip of Vonster's chardonnay and I was in la-la land and my eyes were half closed trying to listen to Drea and Vons yakking about diving and wished I could just plonk down and sleep but when we departed at midnight by the road we promised we would and must meet up again and when I reached home I just plain slumped right into bed like a sinking and stinking rock and now after flushing everything in the toilet first thing in the morning I am having a whoozy and feel-good hangover to remember yesterday by.