
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

while i was sleeping a to-do-by-today list sprang up...

make french toast
cook neapolitan spaghetti
go down to far east flora
start on a new novel
vacuum and spruce up my room
look for gene and wee's gift
purchase more dvds
watch some movies at home
read the daily papers
get my therapy sessions at borders and kino
plough through the classifieds
finish my backlog of a hundred magazines
take a walk in the park
claim my world cup winnings
chew some badly needed salad and fruit
buy a new book
grab a new cd
hunt for room furniture
make out a cheque for that charity group
compile more new songs for my zen
visit a men's boutique
get a haircut
punch some words for a new blog
hop down to the beach
chill by the pool
spend my shopping vouchers
concoct smecta for my rumbling stomach
have a foot reflexology session
sip a glass of wine
write down those few starting words
get something for mum
buy more world cup bettings
find another decent breezy quiet corner
steal one more hour of sleep

fucking curse being a libran
unbearable-lightness-of-urges day again
thy will not be done
bloody hell

will just settle for listening to Versus and
writing it all down


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