
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

one of those inexplicable moments where you don't know if it's utmost stupidity or for the best...

To be read with generous and creative injections of long SUPREMELY awkward and pregnant pauses in between and an utter woebegone that-just-slipped-through-your-fingers sigh at the end...

*phone rings while sliced fish and bee hoon get masticated in mouth*

*suprised but professional even tone*

"Mr Blah, are you on the way?? Where are you? We'd like to conduct the ********* now as the bosses are very busy."

*hedging and sheepish*

"Oh... er... I'm er like having... lunch now..."

"HUH? What? Lunch ah... now? But but... So... You can make it quick so that we can see you...? What time can you come up?"

*veeeery sheepish now*

"Erb... er... I'm not... sure actually... er.... you can..."

"Erm are you er... like lunching with your friends?"

"Er... Gulp... Nnnnn... not really... Er..."

"So would you like to er... Are you still at B********? How soon can you make it?"

*a total shitless sheep mustering last clumsy and guilty courage*

"Er... (choke) You... The... Thing... Is... I don't think I'll be going up or seeing you later..."

"Oh... Er... Okay... So Mr Blah, you are saying you are giving up on this opportunity?"

"Er... ye-es...?"

"Well okay Mr Blah. Thanks and... (totally lost from memory) Bye."

"Er yeah... B-"

*cut off*

*cue aimless and pregnant silence, lots of pregnant air and a maelstrom of lost thoughts and miserable feelings*

And of course - that sigh...


What on earth made me do that and WHY did I...

Someone tell me...


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