
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

when quotes golightly

Never invest yourself in anything so deeply that its failure could cost you your happiness.

A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of blank, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by light. The only things people can ever know about you are the ones you let them see. - The Rule of 4

* * * * *

I'm so in love with and proud of my previous quote pluckings I'm stashing them away here like precious soiled gold pennies.

(How bo liao.)

Well, I got inspired after finally reading The Short Story.

Yup, after much tacit mentions from Tuan Wee, felled it in one joyous swoop.

Must say that I prefer the short story WAAAYYY more than the film - though Audrey Hepburn is the quintessential waif (even if her hair colour is a bit salah) and NObody can replace her. And the ending is so much better. And the writing is great - real dialogue that's convincing and witty.

No wonder Capote was pissed with the lousy film adaptation and lesser portrayal of his luminous character from free spirit to lovelorn escapist.

Still, I got such a thrill when I came across quotes 'that matter' (so Reese Witherspoony-cliched I know) and so I searched gleefully for a place to park them.

And here they are. Prim and posted.

Right after Philip Seymour Hoffman (whom I knew long ago would make it great one day when I first saw his act) got his dues at the Oscars too.

How apt.

I'm a glad lit rag.


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