
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

what comes around, goes out gone (or comes back up your ass when you least expect it as threads spill outta your head and you wish there's a Pensieve)

Good news - Half month mid year bonus just in.
Bad news - Half gone by mid week.

Good news - Bought heap of French albums galore at très pas cher prices.
Not so bad news - Barely through listening and downloading 16 of 'em, another 10 more to go.

Good news - First 2 weeks of absolute HEEELLL at work just over.
Bad news - Just slapped with another 2 weeks of absoluter HEEELLL in another 2 weeks' time.

Good news - Gran's flat near to completion.
Vague news - Still no ok if staying there is a go or no-go...

Good news - Bought premium chocs at super sale prices...
Sad news - For a dear colleague who's leaving very soon...

Good news - Throat inflammation-ulcer almost gone.
Blahdy news - Chesty hacking cough almost back again.

Good news - Choices upon choices of delish DVD titles at HMV.
Why-bother news - There's never enough time to even remove the plastic wrapping.

Good news - Potter 7 is coming soon FINALLY this Sat!!
Torn news - Gotta spend Sat with Gene, Wee and little En...

Good news - Beginning to get hang of things.
Bad news - Still have nagging thoughts on hanging up.

Good news - Paprika + movie time with Ming = Fri.
Dreads news - Potter 5 x overtime = Fri.

Good news - Thinking of picking up français again.
Excuse news - Mais je n'ai pas l'argent maintenant.

Good news - Strangely blissful despite itching cough and sauna heat in room.
Scary news - Strangely awake still after 1 am despite tiring firefighting work day.

News is such a chore...


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