
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


The new DD just came on board and as forseen those unsavoury ones, esp that new big-mouth butch, is doing her bestest buttering up the fresh toast. Lousy loud lesbo louse.

Never like butchies and now I affirm it.

But most of the veterans - ahem - shared the same thought: too early to tell, let's trade reports after a month when we get down to serious work and she starts getting pressed by management and then we can REALLY decipher those Cyndi Lauper colours...

Well. That's that.

What dreadful months - am seriously considering going back to work today, just to finish up the list of items so that she can send out the darn reply to that anal public complainant.

Just soooo plain tired and drained that am not even thrilled with my fresh catch of mint paperback copies at the new Bishan Library opening which usually would send a buzz through my fingers and make me stay up all night and day.

And am taking a long time finishing 'Bee Season', though it is a good read so far.

No mood to do anything. Totally pooped. Just wanna take a looooong ride on a bus to anywhere and sleep.

Am soooo looking forward to finishing the fucking contract and taking that year-end break.

Come hell or highwater, I'm leaving...

For Bangkok! And Ho Chih Minh City, maybe...


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