
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Am in a fucking foul mood. Who won't be if two of your supposedly sincere ex-colleagues whom you can gripe and unload stuff on without having to look over their shoulders type keep playing out on you on a simple dinner get together affair. It's on, it's off, it's really on now, it's off again, this time really off, but hey it's on again, and BAM it should be off lah. Week after week after week of anticipation just to get fabufuckinglous fibbing. Cunts. Sometimes it takes stuff like this that really show where the whole thing stands, man. I mean, what the fuck, I've got stuff to share here, man, know your fucking priorities, and if you've made them, fucking stick to them, you think I don't postpone MY own plans and friends just for this, who the fuck cares if it's what fucking birthday or deathday YOUR other stupid friend is having. So, big fucking deal, we made a deal first?! If seven people can take a length of time to decide but at least still agree on a time and place AND STILL make the effort to be able to meet up ULTIMATELY, I just don't see what's the fucking problem with just THREE idiots meeting. Fuck, man, grow up. Told one of them point blank that I'm NOT going to meet up with them in a VERY long while. Let them sort out their fucking priorities. FUCKERS. Am still so fucking filled with venom and bile and spleen oozing out everywhere right now if anyone so much as COMES NEAR ME or BREATHES ME they'll JUST turn black and puke and writhe on the ground in agony on the spot.

To end off, Kiehl's was jammed packed with merchandise hoarding morons even past 10 so ended up not buying anything. Didn't matter, lost my mood already anyway...


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