
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

full moon early christmas

Yesterday ended up a good day.


Had to go back to the Tunnel and Control again cos gotta show the agency guys around for orientation and film crew for recce on decent spots and angles, so it was a good half day wasted with no cases cleared and done and don't even expect your cover to chip in help out on a FRIDAY lor somemore.

And then before lunch while waiting for the gals, had to be bumped into by Her Majesty. But this time not caught off guard so SMIIIIILED mega watt big time and made sure I ENUNCIATED Her name lor and wished her good lunch. Phew...

And then at lunch office politics reared its ugly head (or heads?) though all so subtlely lor - gosh sooo soon??? They barely even started working seriously together and I'm already smelling gunpowder. Man, I am so trying NOT to get caught in the crossfire lor.

And then the Tunnel. Sweaty, sticky, sapped up your energy. 'Nuff said.

And then just on reaching the office after long tedious journey from site, had to bump into Her Majest AGAIN and luckily flash the mega watt amd waved. Seemed ok (or she just plain egging to go home and light lanterns??).

And then was about to settle some stuff when my DD called on mobile to tell me Christmas came early for me and of course I thanked her... Then decided, what the fuck, am dead beat, just leave for the day and come back on Monday and die lah, don't care already...

And then rushed calmly to Clarke Quay cos am soooooooo fucking late for dinner with Gene and Wee, felt sooo bad as we haven't met in like a century and he's driving us somemore.

A long drive back to his pad but things weirdly started to turn for better. Cooed and cheered up the baby - my god, soooo big now - and ate and chatted like old times with tasteful music.

Wee's tres superb arugula and gourmet bacon pasta, prepacked pizza, pickled olives, Limonade with lemon slices (damn shiok!), ultra delish seaweed (from Thailand eh, brader!) doritos and Swensons ice cream mooncake.

And Wee's idea that we light paper lanterns!! So thoughtful, she bought 1 for everyone, even their boy. Felt weird at first but turned out quite nostalgic. The spooky photos in the dark Gene took of us were a riot. Gene made us twirl our lanterns - are you crazy! wait set your carpet and house on fire ah! - and his got wiped out first, such childishlike thrill. Mine lasted longest - does it mean anything or just nothing??

And a nice loooong catching up with Wee while Gene snored his nose off on the couch with the cat snuggled under his hand and the TV blaring on. It was great talking to Wee alone-but-not-so-alone again and talked about stuff under the moon, I ALWAYS enjoy chatting with Wee, missed that a lot after the baby came and so when she looked really beat we decided not wake Gene up and I left at 1 and cabbed home.

Yeah, yesterday ended quite well for me.


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