
Every burned book enlightens the world. - Emerson

Location: Singapore

- What in God's name do we have in common with the Dutch? - Our religion, ma'am! - The Dutch have no religion, they have cheese.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

mumbles to meself on another saturday after work when i shouldn't be - again...

It's become ingrained in me going back to work on Sats when you don't need to that I've developed a guilt reflex if I don't. I'd rather polish the poo today and I'd feel better afterwards.

Mike says I'm totally Dark Side now and worries for my soul so I asked evenly if he's gonna pay my household bills, expenses, meals and everything else that comes along for life to save my soul. Grave silence. Right, next topic...

[Aside note: not read a single headline or watched the news in like 2 weeks so when Mom told me about the kidnap whatchamacallit of kids in Italy (or was it Spain?) and other bits of juice I just gapped like a fish at her to which she rolled her eyes with her tone of voice. I am like so totally clueless and out of touch with the world lor.]

I digress.

Anyway, it's one of those Strange Mystical Threads playfully at work yesterday.

I didn't feel like heading home after leaving the office but don't know where I should go.

Now where to go, oh ok go Sentosa for lazy short lie-down by the beach and breeze, been a long while and got me trusty murder book. And it's a boon we're connected to NEL at the office.

But when I surfaced at the gates:

WHAT THE FUCK??!! Hoardes of fucking irritating humans jamming, packing, shouting, screaming at the station - why the FUCK did I want to in the first place? Free show here??

Fuck, spoil my night only, so damn testy now. Keep walking lah, get decent dinner at HarbourFront and then home time. Eeeyyy... What's this detour here hah, never see before last time leh. What the fuck, new place, how come I don't know one?? Follow lah, so interesting, let's see what gives lah...

...Aiya, I thought what, man - that In-Vitro Wee-Woh City thingie only lah. Today got opening meh, what the big bloody deal. Half of Singapore nothing better to do than come here for fuck? (Yeah, and I am here lor...)

Nothing much to see one, shops not even fully open, fuck. Ok lah, ceiling very high lor, nothing else impressive, just like another shopping mall mah, what is the fucking deal?

Alamak, only 4 fucking storeys?? That's it?? Shit!!

Oi, here got glass panels one!! Can go out not? Can leh! Wah piang, got people walking outside one somemore. Go out and see lah, then fuck off from here lah.

I like didn't fuck off till nearly 1 hour later lor, walking around the top level of that In-Vitro City. Damn hazy lor, but quite a sight. Glad I came, crowd pulling and instincts notwithstanding.

Ok, happy lark now. Too hazy for Sentosa, where going to now? Ah, got coupon, hop down to Borders, see lucky or not got that Blue Man album on sale. So exciting. Not hopeful lah but nevermind. Go and see first and pick up anything I fancy by chance...

Got ah!! Buy lah, don't wait anymore! Got damn good MTV also: http://www.blueman.com/multimedia/video/index.php?vid=singalong&q=hi

Nice weekend there. Got me sights, me CD, me mooncakes to indulge...

It'll probably be downhill from tomorrow on...



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